Tuesday, February 1

Horay for February

Thank the Lord January is behind us now.These cold, dark damp days are beginning to get to me even though I usually love this time of year.

Come on Spring where are you?


  1. Sweet Birdy Love8:15 PM

    Mmmm, Hyacinths, love, love, love them.

    Hope you have some blue sky days soon.


  2. hallelujah! here here! february is lovely i think and short too which means spring can't be too far away. and surely it is getting a bit lighter now in the evenings? a bit??

    hyacinths...so beautiful. i have been indulging in lots of flowers lately. also burning lots of uplifting oils.

    i think we all need some light and love this month. x

  3. beautiful hyacinths guaranteed to cheer you up!
    Roll on spring

  4. Hurrah indeed! Spring must be just around the corner surely?? Our hens are laying eggs again so hopefully that's a good sing!!
    L x

  5. I agree, the weather could still throw a lot of rubbish at us but the days are getting longer, the bulbs are making an effort, we are heading towards March. Horay indeed.

  6. We've had typical February gloom this weekend haven't we. We popped into LA this afternoon. Went to Lidl and Costa for a coffee. How the affluent live! x

  7. Thank you for such lovely images..
    they gave me a real hint of Spring.


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