It looks rather cell like as I have yet to hang pictures and sprinkle some nic naks about. Stella’s talented brother is bringing his power tools over on Saturday so I am hoping for some more shelves with perhaps some hooks. I like hooks.
I am currently making something from an old embroidered linen tablecloth – aren’t we all? Anyway, on mine I have added some felt leaves.
Stella and I were discussing our sewing machines – they do take on personalities and characters all of their own. I have yet to name mine but I guess it is only a matter of time. She likes the nook and has been behaving very well since being moved up there.
Horrible day outside
I've never thought of naming my sewing machine although I did once have a morris minor called Daisy! My trouper of a machine is a Bernina Sport that I was bought for my 18th birthday by my Mum and Dad. Both my brothers complained that they had spent far too much money on me but 20 years on it's going strong and is used everyday at folkydokee. Whatever happened to their birthday watches - I wonder . . . . I do think I should call her (she must be a gal) Bessie after the train in Chigley because she just keeps chugging along!
ReplyDeleteHope Harry is ok - Silas is very grumpy because he hasn't been for a walk yet - too wet for my irritable sons. Will have to wait for good old Daddy to get in a walk him round the meadow. Isn't it ironic that Springers love the rain best of all weather?
Alice x
you definitly need a name..i have a whole list you can find one from if you like (stay away from Stanley though, or you'll run into cross dressing issues)..if not i can offer up 'Belva'..after a lovely lady that past away and then her slips were sent my way...
ReplyDeletei like the little felt touches to your linens..don't you love the feel of old linens...
ooo what's your tablecloth going to be?? the leaves have really put your stamp on it : )
ReplyDeletethe nook's coming along nicely...isn't it lovely to have your own little space? with the weather we're getting there's nowhere else i'd rather be than snug inside with my sewing machine! (mine hasn't got a name but she's french so it'd probably have to be something like agnes?) glad yours is behaving...long may she stay in line.
shelves + hooks sound good by the way! xxx
I like the name Tabitha, but maybe an S name like... mmmmm.. Sarafina would be better for a sewing machine. :)
ReplyDeleteEmbroidered linen tablecloths - these used to clutter up my Mum's shop, spilling out of wicker cots as no-one wanted them. I mentioned that I needed one or two for a commissioned thing- no problem says Mum and then she looked - all gone. Obviously crafters have been sneakily buying them over the past few months.
ReplyDeleteFortunately one appeared out of noweher (as these things seem to).
I like the felt leaves. My machine is an imported industrial machine - takes up far too much room but buzzes through straight sewing nice and reliably - which is more than can be said for my last machine which did not like sewing waterproof linings into doorstops.
I am thinking of getting another more portable machine as well (Euan had better not read this) to do fancier things - though not those wee flourishy stitches of girls holding hands and joined up flowers. Do you have a recommendation?
I don't name any machinery (bar vintage vans) as with the chickens we have too many names to remember in this house already.
It's lovely using old linens isn't it?
ReplyDeleteIn answer to your question (sorry, I'm up to me eyes in business at the mo), it will be the WW's group who will be graced with our presence in the next village. Wish me luck!
My sewing machine for the time being will remain nameless - Jane is right give something a name than sentimentality kicks in, and knowing me I'll be sending her Birthday cards and oil for her special parts.
ReplyDeleteI love how old table cloths are ripe for re-invention (see what Kelly has been doing with hers:))
I don’t think many dogs got walked yesterday. Harry got one this morning while the sun was shining – nothing worse then the aroma of wet dog.
Jane - I'm afraid I don't think I can recommend a sewing machine - mine was found more by luck than judgement. However it is fantastic for detailed work and has many features that I have yet to discover, and it does have a setting for dolphins(!) which I don't think I shall ever use.(It cost almost £1,000 when new in the mid 80’s but I bought it from ebay for £15)
Stella bought one recently and she went to our local sewing machine shop and tried a few before buying. I would say try before you buy is the essential mantra when such a large amount of money is involved.