I ordered some Sarah Smith cleaning cloths for my mum and got myself some at the same time.

They are just so attractive – basically all they are, are glorified J Cloths. But I love to see them in my kitchen and bathroom.
I often think it’s fascinating what products some people will pay a lot for and what they won’t. There is this preoccupation today with cheap, cheap clothes, cheap food (my bete noir) etc.

Popped into the Laura Ashley sale….I’m not a sale person. You see my eye always goes to the new stock or what’s not reduced…I can’t help it.

Our ‘conservatory’ which looks like it should be demolished (because it should) is undergoing a basic ‘tart’ up and my growing enamel tin collection will house our bird food selection so that any roving mices won’t be able to help themselves.
I was always told that you should buy the best you could afford – years ago everything was better quality; built in obsolesce hadn’t been thought up…..you could get things repaired. Now it’s not cost effective to even bother….who darns socks anymore?
We have a skip in our front garden with things that even 10 years ago I wouldn’t have dreamt to throw out, but even I want a few nice new things once in a while.

My new bird table - made by Stella's brother - it has a vinyl roof to keep the food dry....I was worried that my birds wouldn't take to the new improved design but about 15 starlings didn't seem to mind and I am confident the others will follow.
Don't get me started on "built in obscelesence".
ReplyDeleteI am posting this here as it is a terribly ungrateful post and I don't think anyone who knows me will notice.
When my girls were younger my Mum and I bought all their clothes for some reason and chose classic well made, relatively expensive but not fashion daft clothes (often in the sale). I bought a lot of cord and cotton dresses from Pedlars who are now a daft but tempting fripperies mail order shop but used to be kids clothes. I also made clothes - largely from vintage materials in an attempt to emulate Jane Clucas's range for Paul Smith.
These clothes all wore really well, they seemed to repel stains, to keep their shape and went through my girls and another 2 without looking shabby.
Now other people seem to buy my girls their clothes - they are taken on birthday treats and bought clothes from New Look. These clothes look great for one week, then they go out of shape and are covered in odd stains I can't get out.
See I told you - ungrateful and now snobby too.
It is interesting that when I talked to the couple who own "Pedlars" about the demise of their children's range they said it was because people handed on the clothes too much and only bought occassionally. The economics didn't work for them.
Having just spent a week telling people that our dolls are not Bratts dolls and therefore do not cost £20 and if you want a cheap pegbag Woolies do sell them, I'm with you both there!!!!! Nick always says "buy cheap, buy twice" and though I hate to admit that he might be right about something, on this occasion he is!!!
ReplyDeleteHappily, there will always be people with a discerning eye that go for quality over economy - and usually they aren't loaded either!
Al x
Believe or not...Wayne has a friend who darns his socks! He would die a million deaths if he knew I posted this...but can you imagine a 42 year old Punk Rocker sitting in his flat darning socks whilst listening the Ramones?
ReplyDeleteIt's true...and it happens.
It's so cute!
pretty dishcloths?
ReplyDeletewhy have i not seen these before?
i need some for my new house - (i am saying this a lot lately)
as for the bird table - the smaller, more timid birds have sent the loud brazen starlings in first to check out the situation.....
normal bird activity will resume shortly once word has gone around.
tracy x