Bathroom has been purchased with a £240 discount. We shall have to "slip" the builderr something for his efforts.
I don't know what sort of vibes I am giving out at present, but I was casually chatting to one of the grounds men who tend the nearby convalescentt home, and he offered to get me cheap plants from a friend of his,"Not off a back of a lorry or anything" Perhaps I need to accept all these offers and not feel so bloody guilty about everything.
Nurse who took blood from me this morning (after 3 attempts) asked the old chestnut,"What do you do all day" after she discovered I didn't work. I did say, probably to Immogene that the next person to ask me that would be punched in the face. It's such a loaded question, already implying I don't do anything - well that's how I see it, and it's always asked by people who really have no business asking questions like that of me. I felt like telling her she was crap at taking blood, but I didn't of course, I thanked her and left with a huge wad of cotton wool and the NHS's answer to masking tape on each arm. I bruise like a peach.
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